Angle Types – acute, right, obtuse, straight, reflex, complementary, and supplementary.
Triangles – scalene, isoceles, equilateral, and right
Triangle centres – incentre (and incentre), circumcentre (and circumcircle), centroid (and barycentre), orthocentre.

Length – where pi comes from, and how to calculate the circumference of a circle.
Area – you always wanted to know the surface area of a human, right?
Volume – just remember that 1 liter is 1 cubic decimetre.
Comparing Surface Area & Volume – the
importance of surface area for volume, and how size makes a difference
for chemical reactions and hot air balloons.
Polygons & Polyhedra – polygons
are shapes; polyhedra are solids. Objects such as soccer balls are made from certain polyhedrons, while dice can be made from many different polyhedra. Polyhedra can be made by plaiting; an example is given of a plaited cube.


Prime Numbers – divisible only by themselves and 1.
Complex Numbers – real and imaginary parts in one number. Square roots of negative numbers.
Messing With Infinity – best left well alone.
Prefixes – how measurement units are made easier to use with really big and really small numbers. This lists the 20
prefixes that are used by the Système International, plus
an example of converting dimensions given in mm into a volume
in litres.

Mathematics Glossary – definitions of a few of the terms used in the maths section of this site. (A work in progress.)
Measurement Devices – lots of
devices used to measure everything from acceleration to voltage.
Prefixes – the 20
prefixes that are used by the Système International.
Time – to help in learning to tell the time there are some blank clock faces (PDF, 17KB) that can be downloaded and printed.
Cartesian planes (PDF, 35KB) with 6 blank Cartesian planes per page (2 pages for double-sided printing), handy for drawing parabolas etc.

factors, and a few tricks for helping figure out if a number is
divisible by some common factors.